How to Select the Best SAT Prep Course for the SAT Math Section

The importance of the SAT exam is no secret nowadays. With more and more colleges heavily weighing a student's potential for success in college on the SAT score, more and more students (along with their parents) are preparing for the SAT exam well in advance of the test day, and for good reason. The math portion of the SAT exam is a test that can be prepared for, since the exam does not test only mathematical problems, but also general test-taking and problem-solving skills. Therefore, when selecting a test prep method, be sure to look for one that includes tips and tricks on tackling the specific nature of the SAT. There are several things to look for in analyzing any SAT Math Prep Course.

First, the test prep course must obviously include a review of topics covered on the exam. On the SAT exam, the math portion includes content from Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Probability/Statistics. A thorough math prep course will review the concepts contained within these subjects, paying particular attention to the breadth, depth and frequency of questions appearing on the SAT exam.

Next, a reputable test prep course should also include some sample practice questions and even a sample SAT test. Learning the topics and reading the equations can only do so much for a test score. However, practicing makes a huge difference in the student's score, because on the test day, the student will be solving problems and performing calculations. So the more problems a student can successfully solve, the better the student's chances of performing on the actual test.

Another component of a successful SAT math test prep course is test-specific tips and tricks. This includes information on how the test is scored and helps the student make informed decisions about how to proceed when the right answer is not known. For example, if wrong answers are deducted from a student's score, as is the case for the SAT exam, then making an educated guess is not recommended, unless the student can eliminate multiple answer choices. Further, additional problem-solving strategies such as back-solving should be explained thoroughly.

In conclusion, preparing for the math portion of the SAT can be a daunting task, but it does not have to be done alone. Instead, by finding a reputable SAT Math Online Test Prep Course, students will be able to face the exam with more confidence and leave the exam hopefully with a higher score. Read more on the best sat prep.
